We offer table space for free gaming! So bring your own board game, or play one of ours. We also host regular Magic: the Gathering events throughout the week. Check our facebook for more up-to-date event information.
Magic: The GatheringTuesday Bargain Draft: $12 at 6pm
Can't make it to FNM? Stop by on Tuesdays instead! One Tuesday a month we host a $12 flashback draft. Thursday EDH at 6pm Come play Commander on Thursday evening! We host a casual Commander Thursday at 6pm, and it's free to play! Friday Night Magic: $15 draft at 6pm Everyone's favorite Magic event! We offer larger prize support, with promos and door prizes, on Friday! Standard Showdown at 2pm Join us on Saturday at 2pm for Standard Showdown, only $5! We host most every Saturday, unless there is a prerelease or other sanctioned MtG event happening. We also will do Saturday and Sunday MtG events, as well as prereleases and release weekend events. So keep your eye on the facebook page! |
Board GamesWe have a selection of games available to play at all times, including:
Machi Koro Power Grid Catan Ascension Quarriors Pandemic Dungeon Command We also have others available upon request, as well as a selection of favorites for purchase. |
Gundam Build DayWe're pretty big Gundam fans, so we will frequently host days were we will all just get together and build our various Gunpla kits and watch a favorite Gundam anime!